World Squash Day is delighted to announce that the Squash Republic company has been appointed Merchandise Partner for North America.
Squash Republic is based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and is internationally renowned for their superb graphics and squash clothing. They’ve worked with the PSA, Squash Canada and NY Squash to name a few.
Owner Robert Pacey said: “We are delighted to join forces with World Squash Day to help grow the game in Canada, the United States and beyond.
“The roots of World Squash Day are firmly embedded in American soil following the terrible tragedies of 9/11 when a large number of squash players were killed in the attacks on the World Trade Center.

“We know that World Squash Day was founded to honour those players and also to do something tangible for the game. We’re proud to be part of a growing campaign that aims to add one million players to the game!”
“We can’t wait until October 12 and World Squash Day and we look forward to featuring a number of Canadian squash star players in the World Squash Day campaign.”
World Squash Day Partnership and Shirt Designs: https://squashrepublic.com/squash-republic-supports-world-squash-day-2019/
Order direct by email to info@squashrepublic.com

Related article: WSD shirts available in the UK